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Adey & Anderson (2012). Anticipating emergencies: Technologies of preparedness and the matter of security
Adey, Anderson, & Graham, [eds.] (2015). Governing Emergencies
Adger, Lorenzoni & O'Brien (Eds.). (2009). Adapting to climate change: Thresholds, values, governance
Aengus Collins (2020) COVID-19: A risk governance perspective
Ager et al (2015). World disasters report: focus on local actors, the key to humanitarian effectiveness
Aitsi Selmi et al. (2016). Reflections on a Science and Technology Agenda for 21st Century Disaster Risk Reduction
Alaszewski & Burgess (2007). Risk, time & reason
Albris et al. (2020). Disaster Knowledge Gaps: Exploring the Interface Between Science and Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction in Europe.
Alesch & Petak (2002). Overcoming obstacles to implementation: addressing political, institutional and behavioral problems in earthquake hazard mitigation policies.
Alexander (2002). Principles of Emergency Planning and Management
Amoore (2013). The politics of possibility: Risk and security beyond probability
Anderson & Adey (2011). Affect and security: Exercising emergency in ‘UK civil contingencies’
Anderson (2007). Hope for nanotechnology: anticipatory knowledge and the governance of affect
Anderson (2010). Preemption, precaution, preparedness: Anticipatory action and future geographies
Anderson (2010). Security and the future: Anticipating the event of terror
Anderson, Adey, & Graham (2015). Special issue: Governing emergencies
Aradau & Van Munster (2007). Governing terrorism through risk
Aronsson-Storrier, M. (2020) Sendai Five Years on: Reflections on the Role of International Law in the Creation and Reduction of Disaster Risk.
Ashraf, A. (2021). Lessons learned from COVID-19 response for disaster risk management.
Ayyub (2011). Vulnerability, Uncertainty and Risk: Analysis, Modeling and Management
Bailey et al. (2020) Peacebuilding and recovery in the culture in city reconstruction and recovery (CURE) framework: Technical notes. World Bank Group.
Beck (1992). Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity
Beck (2009). World at Risk
Beenstock, Felsenstein, Frank, & Reingewertz, (2015). Tide gauge location and the measurement of global sea level rise
Bennett, D. (2020) Five Years Later: Assessing the Implementation of the Four Priorities of the Sendai Framework for Inclusion of People with Disabilities
Bishop, Hines & Collins (2007). The current state of scenario development: an overview of techniques
Boehm, Enoshm, & Shamai (2010). Expectations of grassroots community leadership in times of normality and crisis
Bradfield, Wright, Burt, Cairns, & Van Der Heijden (2005). The origins and evolution of scenario techniques in long range business planning
Brassett & Vaughan-Williams (2015). Security and the performative politics of resilience: Critical infrastructure protection and humanitarian emergency preparedness
Brock et al (2020) The World Climate and Security Report 2020
Bruins et al (2003) Drought planning and rainwater harvesting for arid-zone pastoralists: the Turkana and Maasai (Kenya) and the Negev Bedouin (Israel)
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Bruins, H. J. (2000). Proactive contingency planning vis‐à‐vis declining water security in the 21st century
Bruins, H. J. (2012). Risks to food security: Contingency planning for agri-mega-crises
Bruins, H. J., & Bu, F. (2006). Food security in China and contingency planning: the significance of grain reserves
Bruins, H. J., & Bu, F. (2006). Food security in China and contingency planning: the significance of grain reserves
Bruins, H. J., & Lithwick, H. (1998). Proactive planning and interactive management in arid frontier development
Bruins, H. J., & Lithwick, H. (Eds.). (2012). The arid frontier: Interactive management of environment and development (Vol. 41)
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Byrd & Cothern (2000). Introduction to risk analysis: A systematic approach to science-based decision making
Caballero-Anthony, M. (2005). SARS in Asia: crisis, vulnerabilities, and regional responses.
Caceres, R. M., Boano, C., & Abrassart, T. (2019). Urban Planning and Natural Hazard Governance
Caduff (2015). The pandemic perhaps: dramatic events in a public culture of danger
Cheek, W., & Chmutina, K. (2022). Measuring Resilience in the Assumed City.
Collier & Lakoff (2008). Distributed preparedness: the spatial logic of domestic security in the United States
Collier (2008). Enacting catastrophe: preparedness, insurance, budgetary rationalization
Collins, A. (2018). The global risks report 2018
Cooper (2006). Pre-empting emergence: the biological turn in the war on terror
Cooper (2010). Turbulent Worlds
Das et al. (2020): “Lessons from Hagibis: Learning to Cope with Intensifying Disasters in the Age of New Normal”, CWS Japan
Davidsson, Å. (2020). Disasters as an opportunity for improved environmental conditions.
De Goede (2008). Beyond risk: Premediation and the post-9/11 security imagination
De Goede (2008). The politics of preemption and the war on terror in Europe
De Goede, Simon, & Hoijtink (2014). Performing preemption
de Guzman (2003). Towards Total Disaster Risk Management Approach
Dembo & Freeman (2001). Seeing tomorrow: Rewriting the rules of risk.
Depietri & Orenstein (2019). Fire-regulating services and disservices with an application to the Haifa-Carmel region in Israel
Depietri, Renaud, & Kallis (2012). Heat waves and floods in urban areas: a policy-oriented review of ecosystem services
Dillon, B. (2014). Blackstone's Emergency Planning, Crisis, and Disaster Management
Diprose, Stephenson, Mills, Race, & Hawkins (2008). Governing the future: The paradigm of prudence in political technologies of risk management
Doswald & Estrella(2015). Promoting ecosystems for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: opportunities for integration
Douglas & Wildavsky (1983). Risk and culture: An essay on the selection of technological and environmental dangers
Dunlop et al (2020). "Researching COVID-19: A research agenda for public policy and administration scholars."
Egbelakin, Wilkinson, Potangaroa, & Ingham (2013). Improving regulatory frameworks for earthquake risk mitigation
Eggertson (1990). Economic Behavior and Institutions
Elbe (2008). Risking lives: AIDS, security and three concepts of risk
European Environment Agency (2020) The European environment: State and outlook 2020 (SOER 2020).
Evans & Reid (2014). Resilient life: The art of living dangerously
Ewald (2002). The return of Descartes’s malicious demon
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FEMA, 2019 National Preparedness Report
FEMA, 2020 National Preparedness Report
Fischer et al.,(2020), The behavioural challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic: indirect measurements and personalized attitude changing treatments (IMPACT)
Fischhendler (2017). The Use of Intangible Benefits for Promoting Contested Policies: The Case of Geopolitical Benefits and the Israeli Gas Policy
Fischhendler, I. (2017). The Use of Intangible Benefits for Promoting Contested Policies: The Case of Geopolitical Benefits and the Israeli Gas Policy.
Fischhoff, Kadvany & Kadvany (2011). Risk: A very short introduction
Frazier, Walker, Kumari, & Thompson (2013). Opportunities and constraints to hazard mitigation planning
Garfin et al (2020). The novel coronavirus (COVID-2019) outbreak: Amplification of public health consequences by media exposure.
Gesser-Edelsburg A., Cohen R., Hijazi R. and Abed Elhadi Shahbari N. (2020). Analysis of Public Perception of the Israeli Government’s Early Emergency Instructions Regarding COVID-19
Giachino, C., Bollani, L., Truant, E., & Bonadonna, A. (2022). Urban area and nature-based solution: Is this an attractive solution for Generation Z?
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Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) (2020). Disaster Recovery Framework Guide, Revised version
Grinberger & Felsenstein (2014). Bouncing Back or Bouncing Forward? Simulating Urban Resilience and Policy in the Aftermath of an Earthquake
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Grinberger, Lichter & Felsenstein (2015). Simulating urban resilience: Disasters, dynamics and (synthetic) data
Grinberger, Lichter & Felsenstein (2017). Dynamic agent based simulation of an urban disaster using synthetic big data
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Guadagno, Depietri, & Fra (2013). Urban disaster risk reduction and ecosystem services. The role of ecosystem services in disaster risk reduction
Gupta & Nair (Eds.). (2012). Ecosystem approach to disaster risk reduction
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Jaeger, Webler, Rosa & Renn (2013). Risk, uncertainty and rational action
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Kappes, Keiler, von Elverfeldt & Glade (2012). Challenges of analyzing multi-hazard risk: a review
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Lentzos & Rose (2009). Governing insecurity: contingency planning, protection, resilience
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Lichter & Felsenstein (2012). Assessing the costs of sea-level rise and extreme flooding at the local level: a GIS-based approach
Lichter & Felsenstein (2014). Coastal Communities under Threat: Comparing Property and Social Exposure
Lichter, Grinberger, & Felsenstein (2015). Simulating and communicating outcomes in disaster management situations
Liu, B. F., et al (2021). When Crises Hit Home: How US Higher Education Leaders Navigate Values During Uncertain Times.
Lobo-Guerrero (2010). Insuring security: biopolitics, security and risk
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Mathews & Barnes (2016). Prognosis: visions of environmental futures
McEntire (2015). Disaster response and recovery: Strategies and tactics for resilience
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Mika Aaltola (2020). Covid-19 – a trigger for global transformation? Political distancing, global decoupling and growing distrust in health governance.
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O'Brien (2016). ‘We Thought the World Was Makeable’: Scenario Planning and Postcolonial Fiction
O'Brien (2016). ‘We Thought the World Was Makeable’: Scenario Planning and Postcolonial Fiction
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OECD (2020), Common Ground Between the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
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O’Brien & Sygna (2013). Responding to climate change: the three spheres of transformation
O’Malley (2004). Risk, uncertainty and governance
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