Bibliographic details:
Sudmeier-Rieux, K. (2013). Ecosystem approach to disaster risk reduction: basic concepts and recommendations to governments, with a special focus to Europe. Council of Europe, Strasbourg
The goal of this publication is to develop a more robust understanding of ecosystem-based approaches to disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) in the European context, including the economic rationale, tools and practices, while contributing to the growing literature on this subject. It is intended to fill a science-policy gap on the role of ecosystems for DRR, specifically for Europe and the Council of Europe’s member states. It provides the rationale for a more systemic approach to reducing disaster risk, exploring how ecosystem management can be incorporated in a “portfolio” of investments in both hard and soft solutions. Concrete examples are provided for how an “Ecosystem-based DRR approach” can be more fully integrated into European policies and practices, with a number of recommendations for European policy makers and the Council of Europe members.
The study targets not only policy-makers, but also land use planners seeking long term solutions to CCA and disaster risk managers seeking immediate and medium term solutions for reducing disaster losses. It also serves as a challenge to the environmental community to fine-tune existing tools and instruments so they can add value by reducing vulnerability to hazard impacts. It is the fruit of the Council of Europe’s participation in the Partnership for Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction (PEDRR), a partnership of 14 international organizations and NGOs, working together to promote the role of ecosystems for DRR.