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Grinberger, Felsenstein & Samuels (2018). Emerging Urban Dynamics in the Aftermath of a Disaster: Simulating the Role of the Labor Market

Bibliographic details:

Grinberger Y., Felsenstein D., and Samuels P. (2018). Emerging Urban Dynamics in the Aftermath of a Disaster: Simulating the Role of the Labor Market, in Borsekova K. and Nijkamp P. (eds) Resilience and Urban Disasters, Edward Elgar

Abstract (of the book):

This book addresses unexpected disasters and shocks in cities and urban systems by providing quantitative and qualitative tools for impact analysis and disaster management. Including environmental catastrophes, political turbulence and economic shocks, Resilience and Urban Disasters explores a large range of tumultuous events and key case studies to thoroughly cover these core areas. Chapters explore novel contributions on urban evolution and adjustment patterns based on studies from across the globe. Both causal mechanisms and policy responses to the high social costs of urban disasters are addressed. In particular, the book explores the socio-economic impacts on urban systems that are subject to disasters, including migration due to large earthquakes in Japan, the economic impact of terrorist attacks in Istanbul and labour market changes as a result of natural disasters in Italy. Urban planning and urban economics scholars will greatly benefit from the multidisciplinary analyses of a variety of case studies in the book. City planners and urban administrators will also find the exploration of potential paths of resilience for cities in this book to be an invaluable tool for future planning.

