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מאגר אירועי אסון
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אירועים בעולם
צרו קשר
Oliver (2010). Catastrophic disaster planning and response
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Orkibi, H., Ben-Eliyahu, A., et al (2021). Creative adaptability and emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international study.
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Picard (2018). Disaster management, risk reduction and international disaster response laws in the Commonwealth
Planning Provisional Accommodation for Uprooted Communities. The Twilight Zone: Provisional Housing after Earthquakes
Possick, Sadeh, & Shamai (2008). Parents' experience and meaning construction of the loss of a child in a national terror attack
Possick, Shamai, & Sadeh (2014). Healing the social self: How parents whose children were killed in terror attacks construct the experience of help
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Regulatory and Policy Frameworks for a Mid and Long-term Recovery after a Major Earthquake
Reichman (2011). Judicial Independence in Times of War- Prolonged Armed Conflict and Judicial Review of Military Actions in Israel
Renaud, Sudmeier-Rieux & Estrella (Eds.). (2013). The role of ecosystems in disaster risk reduction
Renaud, Sudmeier-Rieux, Estrella & Nehren (Eds.). (2016). Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and adaptation in practice
Renn (2008). Risk governance Coping with uncertainty in a complex world
Revet & Langumier (Eds.) (2015). Governing disasters: beyond risk culture
Ringland & Schwartz. (1998). Scenario planning: managing for the future
Risbey (2008). The new climate discourse - Alarmist or alarming
Robust Preparedness for Surprise Extreme Events: Multi-site Fires and Earthquakes
Ron & Shamai (2011). Assessing the impact of ongoing national terror: Social workers in Israel
Ron & Shamai (2014). The impact of ongoing national terror on the community of hospital nurses in Israel
Rose (1996). Psychiatry as a political science: advanced liberalism and the administration of risk
Roth & Prior (2019). Volunteerism in Disaster Management: Opportunities, Challenges and Instruments for Improvement
Salgotra et al. (2021). Optimal Control Policies to Address the Pandemic Health-Economy Dilemma.
Salzberger (2017). The Rule of Law Under Extreme Conditions and International Law: A Law and Economics Perspective
Samimian-Darash & Rabinow (Eds.) (2015). Modes of uncertainty: Anthropological cases
Samimian-Darash (2016). Practicing uncertainty: Scenario-based preparedness exercises in Israel
Samimian-Darash, L. (2013). Governing future potential biothreats: toward an anthropology of uncertainty
Samimian‐Darash (2009). A pre‐event configuration for biological threats: Preparedness and the constitution of biosecurity events
Samimian‐Darash (2011). Governing through time - preparing for future threats to health and security
Savoia, Lin, Bernard, Klein, James & Guicciardi (2017). Public health system research in public health emergency preparedness in the United States (2009–2015): actionable knowledge base
Schmitt (1934 [2005]. Political theology, Four Chapters on the Concept of Sovereignty
Schoch‐Spana (2004). Bioterrorism: US public health and a secular apocalypse
Schoch‐Spana (2004). Bioterrorism: US public health and a secular apocalypse
Schwartz Pourrabbani Marla (2020). 15 years after Katrina: The tale of a changing risk landscape.
Secretary-General, U. N. (2004). The Rule of Law and Transitional Justice in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies
Segal, Feitelson et al. (2022). Residential Seismic Retrofitting: Contextualizing Policy Packages to Local Circumstances
Segal, Negev, Feitelson & Zaychik (2017). Devising ‘policy packages’ for seismic retrofitting of residences
Shahbari, N. A. E., Gesser-Edelsburg, A., & Mesch, G. S. (2019). Case of Paradoxical Cultural Sensitivity: Mixed Method Study of Web-Based Health Informational Materials About the Human Papillomavirus Vaccine in Israel.
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Shamai (2005). Personal experience in professional narratives: The role of helpers' families in their work with terror victims
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Shamai (2015). Systemic interventions for collective and national trauma: Theory, practice, and evaluation
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Shmueli, Ozawa & Kaufman (2020). Collaborative Planning Principles for Disaster Preparedness
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Takacs, Ramsbottom, O’brien, & Ciotti (2017). Enablers and barriers to community engagement in public health emergency preparedness: Judit Takacs
Taubman–Ben-Ari, O., et al (2020). Distress and anxiety associated with COVID-19 among Jewish and Arab pregnant women in Israel
Taubman–Ben‐Ari, O., et al (2020). Childbirth anxieties in the shadow of COVID‐19: Self‐compassion and social support among Jewish and Arab pregnant women in Israel
Teichman, D., & Zamir, E. (2020). איך גורמים למדינה שלמה לעטות מסכות פנים: הנדים, ציוויים, והמענה המשפטי למגפת הקורונה בישראל How Do You Cause Everyone to Start Wearing Facemasks: Nudges, Mandates, and the Legal Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic in I
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The Dynamics of Social Capital and the Recovery of Israel’s Gaza Envelope: A Formative Evaluation
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Tmanaha (2004). On the Rule of Law, History, Politics, Theory
Toner, Ravi, Adalja, Waldhorn, McGinty & Schoch-Spana (2015). Doing good by playing well with others: exploring local collaboration for emergency preparedness and response
Towards an Israeli doctrine and legislative-regulative framework dealing with emergencies
Tubi & Feitelson (2018). Changing drought vulnerabilities of marginalized resource-dependent groups: a long-term perspective of Israel’s Negev Bedouin
UNEP (2007). Environment and Disaster Risk. Emerging perspectives
UNISDR,(2012), How To Make Cities More Resilient/ A Handbook For Local Government Leaders
United Nations Secretary General (2020). Shared responsibility, global solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19.
Unnikrishnan, R., & Misra, A. (2021). Diabetes and COVID19: a bidirectional relationship.
Using Twitter for near real-time alerts and damage analysis of natural hazards in Israel and its close surrounding
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