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Padan, C., & Gal, R. (2020). A Multi-dimensional Matrix for Better Defining and Conceptualizing Resilience.

Bibliographic details:

Padan, C., & Gal, R. (2020). A Multi-dimensional Matrix for Better Defining and Conceptualizing Resilience. Connections QJ 19 no. 3 (2020): 33-46


The emerging challenges for the resilience of nations and societies, as well as for communities and individuals, are numerous and diverse. Nevertheless, the multiplicity of definitions existing in the literature for resilience, as well as the discrepancies between them, make it difficult to evaluate, operationalize, or to compare resilience research findings across studies. The purpose of the current article is to provide a coherent and general definition for the term resilience and other sub-types of this general concept. This will be achieved through presenting a two-dimensional matrix, divided into four content categories (social, economic, political, and military) and three level categories (individual, community, and State). The recent COVID-19 pandemic may advocate Global as a fourth level, yet its full implication is too premature to be assessed. The proposed matrix generates twelve cells, which present twelve different sub-types of resilience. Subsequently, this matrix can be used for a comprehensive definition of resilience and its sub-types, as well as for possible assessments of resilience at its various facesץ
