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צרו קשר
Kappes, Keiler, von Elverfeldt & Glade (2012). Challenges of analyzing multi-hazard risk: a review
Kapucu, N. (2012). Disaster and emergency management systems in urban areas
Kapucu, N., & Özerdem, A. (2011). Managing emergencies and crises
Kates, Travis & Wilbanks. (2012). Transformational adaptation when incremental adaptations to climate change are insufficient
Kaufman (1994). Old age, disease, and the discourse on risk
Kaufmann (2016). Exercising emergencies: Resilience, affect and acting out security
Kaufmann (2017). Resilience, Emergencies and the Internet: Security In-Formation
Keinert A. (2018)(ed.). Climate Change - A Global Security and Humanitarian Challenge
Kendrick (2015). Identifying and managing project risk: essential tools for failure-proofing your project
Khan, Fazli, Henry, de Villa, Tsamis, Grant, & Schwartz. (2015). The evidence base of primary research in public health emergency preparedness: a scoping review and stakeholder consultation
Kimhi & Shamai (2004). Community resilience and the impact of stress: Adult response to Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon
Kimhi & Shamai (2006). Are women at higher risk than men? Gender differences among teenagers and adults in their response to threat of war and terror
Kimhi et al. (2020). A Renewed Outbreak of the COVID− 19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study of Distress, Resilience, and Subjective Well-Being
Kimhi et al. (2020). Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: Distress and resilience
Kimhi et al. (2020). Resilience and demographic characteristics predicting distress during the COVID-19 crisis
Kimhi et al. (2021). Fluctuations in National Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kimhi et al. : Predictors of Community and National Resilience Throughout The COVID-19 Epidemic
Kimhi, Eshel, Leykin & Lahad (2017). Individual, Community, and National Resilience in Peace Time and in the Face of Terror: A Longitudinal Study
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Marciano, H., & Adini, B. (2020). Distress and Resilience in the Days of COVID-19: Comparing Two Ethnicities
Kimhi, Shaul - List of relevant publications 2004-2023
Kittelsen (2009). Conceptualizing biorisk: Dread risk and the threat of bioterrorism in Europe
Koller (2000). Risk modeling for determining value and decision making
Kosnik, L. R., & Bellas, A. (2020). Drivers of COVID-19 Stay at Home Orders: Epidemiologic, Economic, or Political Concerns?
Krasmann (2015). On the boundaries of knowledge. Security, the sensible, and the law
Kubisch et al (2020). The contribution of tsunami evacuation analysis to evacuation planning in Chile: Applying a multi-perspective research design
Lakoff & Collier (Eds.). (2008). Biosecurity interventions: global health and security in question
Lakoff (2007). Preparing for the next emergency
Lakoff (2008). The generic biothreat or, how we became unprepared
Lakoff (2017). Unprepared: Global health in a time of emergency
Lalal, N., Mishal, S., Padhi, A., Sharma, A., Audhkhasi, A., Arora, P., ... & Samar, S. (2022). Eco-Anxiety: Impact on Generation Z’s Mental Health and the Contemporary Significance of Environmental Awareness and Education.
Lazarus et al (2020). COVID-SCORE: A global survey to assess public perceptions of government responses to COVID-19 (COVID-SCORE-10)
Lederman, D. (2013). A Quasi-public Good Model with Application to Homeland Security.
Lee et al. (2020), Learning from the Past: Distributed Cognition and Crisis Management Capabilities for Tackling COVID-19
Lee, Zhang, & Nguyen, (2018). The Economic Impact of Natural Disasters in Pacific Island Countries: Adaptation and Preparedness
Lentzos & Rose (2009). Governing insecurity: contingency planning, protection, resilience
Lev-Wiesel & Shamai (1998). Living under the threat of relocation: Spouses' perceptions of the threat and coping resources
Lewin, Shamai & Novikov (2022). Surviving in Crisis Mode: The Effect of Material Hardship and Social Support on Emotional Wellbeing Among People in Poverty During COVID-19
Lewis (1992). Technological Risk
Lichter & Felsenstein (2012). Assessing the costs of sea-level rise and extreme flooding at the local level: a GIS-based approach
Lichter & Felsenstein (2014). Coastal Communities under Threat: Comparing Property and Social Exposure
Linares, et al. (2020). Impacts of climate change on the public health of the Mediterranean Basin population-current situation, projections, preparedness and adaptation.
Liu, B. F., et al (2021). When Crises Hit Home: How US Higher Education Leaders Navigate Values During Uncertain Times.
Lobo-Guerrero (2010). Insuring security: biopolitics, security and risk
López-Carresi et al (2014). Disaster Management-International Lessons in Risk Reduction, Response and Recovery
Lupton (2013). Moral threats and dangerous desires: AIDS in the news media
Lupton (Ed.) (1999). Risk and sociocultural theory: New directions and perspectives
Lynn (2017). The usefulness and economic value of total lightning forecasts made with a dynamic lightning scheme coupled with lightning data assimilation
Lynn, Carlson, Rosenzweig, Goldberg, Druyan, Cox, J., Gaffin, Parshall, & Civerolo (2009). A modification to the NOAH LSM to simulate heat mitigation strategies in the New York City metropolitan area
Lynn, Druyan, Hogrefe, Dudhia, Rosenzweig, Goldberg, Rind, Healy, Rosenthal & Kinney (2004). Sensitivity of present and future surface temperatures to precipitation characteristics
Lynn, Healy & Druyan (2009). Investigation of Hurricane Katrina characteristics for future, warmer climates
Lynn, Healy, & Druyan (2007). An analysis of the potential for extreme temperature change based on observations and model simulations
Lynn, Kelman, & Ellrod (2015). An evaluation of the efficacy of using observed lightning to improve convective lightning forecasts
Lynn, Rosenzweig, Goldberg, Rind, Hogrefe, Druyan, Healy, Dudhia, Rosenthal & Kinney (2010). Testing GISS-MM5 physics configurations for use in regional impacts studies
Lynn, Yair, Price, Kelman, & Clark (2012). Predicting cloud-to-ground and intracloud lightning in weather forecast models
Magnan, Schipper, Burkett, Bharwani, Burton, Eriksen, Schaar & Ziervogel (2016). Addressing the risk of maladaptation to climate change
Managing the COVID-19 Epidemic Locally: A birdseye view of the challenges faced by local governments, local responses, and the differential local needs of municipalities in Israel
Managing the Nation and its Citizens During Times of Crisis: An assessment of national resilience, public trust, and the performance of government and bureaucratic institutions during the COVID-19 crisis and during non-crisis times
Mandel, Amram, Beezley, Kelman, Kochanski, Kondratenko, Lynn, Regev & Vejmelka (2014). Recent advances and applications of WRF–SFIRE
Manheim, D., & Gesser-Edelsburg, A. (2018). The Structure of Tweets about Vaccine Safety Between Health Organizations, Experts and the Public: Analyzing Risk Communication Conversations
Manso & Manso(2012). The Role of Social Media in Crisis: A European Holistic Approach to the Adoption of Online and Mobile Communications in Crisis Response and Search and Rescue Efforts
Maor (2012). Policy overreaction
Markiewicz, Bevc, Hegle, Horney, Davies & MacDonald (2012). Linking public health agencies and hospitals for improved emergency preparedness: North Carolina's public health epidemiologist program
Marriner, N. et al (2017). Tsunamis in the geological record: Making waves with a cautionary tale from the Mediterranean
Masoumi, Z. (2021). Flood susceptibility assessment for ungauged sites in urban areas using spatial modeling.
Mathews & Barnes (2016). Prognosis: visions of environmental futures
McEntire (2015). Disaster response and recovery: Strategies and tactics for resilience
Melnick & Everitt (2008). Encyclopedia of quantitative risk analysis and assessment
Mika Aaltola (2020). Covid-19 – a trigger for global transformation? Political distancing, global decoupling and growing distrust in health governance.
Mishor, Vigoda-Gadot & Mizrahi (2023). Exploring civic engagement dynamics during emergencies: an empirical study into key drivers
Mizrahi et al. (2022): Public management during a crisis: when are citizens willing to contribute to institutional emergency preparedness?
Mizrahi et al.: Building public resilience and trust in times of Coronavirus global pandemic hazards: An integrative approach of citizens within society
Mizrahi, Vigoda-Gadot and Cohen (2019). Drivers of trust in emergency organizations networks
Multihazard Mitigation Council (2015). Developing Pre-Disaster Resilience Based on Public and Private Incentivization
Murthy, Molinari, LeBlanc, Vagi & Avchen (2017). Progress in public health emergency preparedness consultation —United States, 2001–2016
Nabi (2003). Exploring the framing effects of emotion - Do discrete emotions differentially influence information accessibility
Naor & Laor (2020). Disaster recovery after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: Assessment using Endsley’s three-level model of situational awareness
National Academies (2019) Exploring Lessons from Outbreaks
National Academies for Science, Engineering, and Medicine. 2020. Strengthening Post-Hurricane Supply Chain Resilience: Observations from Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria
National Academies of Sciences (2019)
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. (2018). Emergency Alert and Warning Systems: Current Knowledge and Future Research Directions
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2021. Enhancing Community Resilience through Social Capital and Social Connectedness
National Research Council (2011). Public Response to Alerts and Warnings on Mobile Devices: Summary of a Workshop on Current Knowledge and Research Gaps
Natural Hazards and Moral Hazards: Understanding the Insurance Coverage Limit
Negev et al (2020). City design for health and resilience in hot and dry climates.
Negev et al (2022). Multidimensional hazards, vulnerabilities, and perceived risks regarding climate change and Covid-19 at the city level: An empirical study from Haifa, Israel
Negev et al. (2021). Regional lessons from the COVID-19 outbreak in the Middle East: From infectious diseases to climate change adaptation
Negev, et al.(2019). Adaptation of health systems to climate-related migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Closing the gap
Negev, Paz, Clermont, Pri-Or, Shalom, Yeger & Green (2015). Impacts of climate change on vector borne diseases in the Mediterranean Basin—implications for preparedness and adaptation policy
Newman Cohen & Fishhendler (2022). An archetype for insurance thresholds for extreme natural events in the agricultural sector
Ng, T. C et al (2021). Comparison of estimated effectiveness of case-based and population-based interventions on COVID-19 containment in Taiwan
Nolkaemper (2011). National Courts and the International Rule of Law
Nuttman-Shwartz & Green (2020). Resilience truths: Trauma resilience workers’ points of view toward resilience in continuous traumatic situation
Nuttman-Shwartz (2019) Behavioral Responses in Youth
O'Brien (2016). ‘We Thought the World Was Makeable’: Scenario Planning and Postcolonial Fiction
O'Brien (2016). ‘We Thought the World Was Makeable’: Scenario Planning and Postcolonial Fiction
O'Malley (1992). Risk, power and crime prevention
Oddsdóttir et al (2013). Measuring disaster resilience
OECD (2018), Assessing the Real Cost of Disasters: The Need for Better Evidence
OECD (2020), Common Ground Between the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction
OECD (2020), The territorial impact of COVID-19: Managing the crisis across levels of government
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