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The Dynamics of Social Capital and the Recovery of Israel’s Gaza Envelope: A Formative Evaluation

Deborah Shmueli, Danielle Zaychik, Yonat  Rein-Sapir, Alex Altshuler and Michal Ben-Gal

This study aims to examine the dynamic relationship between social capital and the recovery process in the Israeli localities adjacent to the Gaza Strip, called the Gaza Envelope. As part of this process, the study assesses recovery progress against community-established goals and describes both how recovery has impacted social capital, as well as the role of social capital in facilitating recovery. At this point, there is a well-established pool of academic and gray literature concerning disaster recovery. Given that recovery is a multi-faceted process, the research base is broad and explores many aspects of disaster recovery. This research draws from literature concerning definitions of successful disaster recovery, disaster recovery as a participatory process, and social capital in disaster recovery. The literature on successful disaster recovery guides the study’s framing of recovery goals and assessment. Literature on participatory recovery processes set a base for public and stakeholder participation in the establishment of recovery goals. Finally, literature on social capital and disaster recovery informs our assumptions about how social capital influences disaster recovery. Gaps in our knowledge about the dynamic two-way relationship between social capital and disaster recovery set the stage for the contribution of the current research.

This research aims to assess the recovery of the Gaza Envelope through a social capital lens. To this end, the research will incorporate aspects of formative evaluation methodology. Formative evaluation seeks to assess an intervention or process before or during its implementation, subsequently influencing and improving its continued implementation. The proposed research assesses recovery of Gaza Envelope residents and communities as it occurs, against priorities selected by the residents of the area. In addition to providing feedback to policymakers and community leaders about the ongoing recovery process, the research will make the following theoretical contributions to existing academic literature about disaster recovery and social capital:

  • The research will contribute to the underdeveloped literature detailing the impact of disasters and recovery on social capital. Although the literature suggests a dynamic nature to this relationship (Kawamoto and Kim 2019), few studies have explored this in depth with regards to multiple facets of recovery. The contribution of this research will address social capital impacts at both the individual and community levels.
  • The research will contribute to literature on disaster recovery and social capital by examining the variation of effects by locality type.
  • While much research has addressed the role of social capital in natural disasters, far less has assessed the role of social capital in manmade catastrophes. Social capital may have a different role in a large-scale man-made security event and enduring hostage situation than an earthquake or hurricane.

In addition to these theoretical contributions, the research has significant value for policymakers as they continue to shape the Gaza Envelope recovery process. Research findings will give feedback on recovery policies and can be used to adjust and adapt future policies and programs.