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מאמרים בנושא היערכות למשבר האקלים


Asaka, J. O. (2021). Climate Change-Terrorism Nexus? A Preliminary Review/Analysis of the Literature

Masoumi, Z. (2021). Flood susceptibility assessment for ungauged sites in urban areas using spatial modeling

Negev et al. (2021). Regional lessons from the COVID-19 outbreak in the Middle East: From infectious diseases to climate change adaptation 

Yan, X. et al. (2021) A Rapid Prediction Model of Urban Flood Inundation in a High-Risk Area Coupling Machine Learning and Numerical Simulation Approaches

Yu, I. et al (2021). Flood Risk Analysis by Building Use in Urban Planning for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation


Aronsson-Storrier, M. (2020) Sendai Five Years on: Reflections on the Role of International Law in the Creation and Reduction of Disaster Risk

Bennett, D. (2020) Five Years Later: Assessing the Implementation of the Four Priorities of the Sendai Framework for Inclusion of People with Disabilities

Brock et al (2020) The World Climate and Security Report 2020 

Das et al. (2020): “Lessons from Hagibis: Learning to Cope with Intensifying Disasters in the Age of New Normal”, CWS Japan

Ebi, K. L., Hasegawa, T., Hayes, K., Monaghan, A., Paz, S., & Berry, P. (2018). Health risks of warming of 1.5 C, 2 C, and higher, above pre-industrial temperatures

European Environment Agency (2020) The European environment: State and outlook 2020 (SOER 2020)

Felsenstein, D., D. Shmueli, and D. Thomas (2020). Special Issue IJDRR: Cascading Effects in Disaster Risk Science: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives (מתאים חלקית )

FEMA, 2020 National Preparedness Report

Linares, et al. (2020). Impacts of climate change on the public health of the Mediterranean Basin population-current situation, projections, preparedness and adaptation. ...

Menoni, S., & Boni, M. P. (2020). A systemic approach for dealing with chained damages triggered by natural hazards in complex human settlements

Negev et al (2020). City design for health and resilience in hot and dry climates

Mizrahi, S. (2020). Cascading disasters, information cascades and continuous time models of domino effects

OECD (2020), Common Ground Between the Paris Agreement and the Sendai Framework: Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction 

World Meteorological Organization, State of the global climate 2020 

WMO. (2020). WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2019