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Negev et al (2020). City design for health and resilience in hot and dry climates.

Bibliographic details:

Negev, M., Khreis, H., Rogers, B. C., Shaheen, M., & Erell, E. (2020). City design for health and resilience in hot and dry climates. bmj371.


The health of people living in cities is affected by urban design elements including density, distribution of land use, building design, transport infrastructure, green spaces, opportunities for social interaction, and accessibility to work, education, healthy food, and culture. Several of these elements pose particular challenges when designing healthy cities in hot and dry regions such as the Middle East, where weather may constrain active transport, outdoor recreational physical activity, and outdoor socializing. Studies of the impact of urban design on health in arid regions is scarce, with most research from the global north. A climate and culturally sensitive approach can, however, inform adaptation of evidence from temperate climates to hot and dry climates.
