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Caceres, R. M., Boano, C., & Abrassart, T. (2019). Urban Planning and Natural Hazard Governance
Caduff (2015). The pandemic perhaps: dramatic events in a public culture of danger
Calder, P. C. (2021). Nutrition and immunity: lessons for COVID-19.
Can Well-being Effects of COVID-19 be Mitigated Amidst an Economic Crisis?
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Cohen, Amichai
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Coleman (2011). A practical guide to risk management
Collier & Lakoff (2008). Distributed preparedness: the spatial logic of domestic security in the United States
Collier (2008). Enacting catastrophe: preparedness, insurance, budgetary rationalization
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Collins-Kreiner, Noga
Cooper (2006). Pre-empting emergence: the biological turn in the war on terror
Cooper (2010). Turbulent Worlds
Craig (2017) Formal and Substantive Conceptions of the Rule of Law
Criddle and Fox-Decent (2012). Human Rights, Emergencies, and the Rule of Law
D. Felsenstein, D. Shmueli, and D. Thomas (2020). Special Issue IJDRR: Cascading Effects in Disaster Risk Science: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives
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De Goede (2008). Beyond risk: Premediation and the post-9/11 security imagination
De Goede (2008). The politics of preemption and the war on terror in Europe
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DeMarco & Lister (2003). Waltzing with bears.
Dembo & Freeman (2001). Seeing tomorrow: Rewriting the rules of risk.
Depietri & Orenstein (2018) Tradeoffs between regulating and cultural services as a sources of fire risk in Haifa
Depietri & Orenstein (2019). Fire-regulating services and disservices with an application to the Haifa-Carmel region in Israel
Depietri, Renaud, & Kallis (2012). Heat waves and floods in urban areas: a policy-oriented review of ecosystem services
Depietri, Welle, & Renaud (2013). Social vulnerability assessment of the Cologne urban area (Germany) to heat waves: links to ecosystem services.
Developing local resilience and planning urban spaces in times of emergency: A multi-disciplinary study comparing preparedness for extreme weather conditions to preparedness for conflict
Dillon, B. (2014). Blackstone's Emergency Planning, Crisis, and Disaster Management
Diprose, Stephenson, Mills, Race, & Hawkins (2008). Governing the future: The paradigm of prudence in political technologies of risk management
Doswald & Estrella(2015). Promoting ecosystems for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: opportunities for integration
Douglas & Wildavsky (1983). Risk and culture: An essay on the selection of technological and environmental dangers
Dubnov, Jonathan
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Egbelakin, Wilkinson, Potangaroa, & Ingham (2013). Improving regulatory frameworks for earthquake risk mitigation
Eggertson (1990). Economic Behavior and Institutions
Elbe (2008). Risking lives: AIDS, security and three concepts of risk
Elkin-Koren and Gal (2018). The Chilling Effect of Governance-by-Data on Data Markets
Elkin-Koren and Haber (2016). Governance by Proxy, Cyber Challenges to Civil Liberties
Elkin-Koren and Salzberger (2004). Law, Economics and Cyberspace, The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Analysis of Law
Elkin-Koren and Salzberger (2005). The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Theory of the State
Elkin-Koren, Niva
Eshel, Kimhi & Marciano (2019). Proximal and distal determinants of community resilience under threats of terror
Eshel, Kimhi, Lahad, Leykin, & Goroshit (2018). Risk Factors as Major Determinants of Resilience: A Replication Study
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Feitelson, E., Plaut, P., Salzberger, E., Shmueli, D., Altshuler, A., Ben-Gal, M., ... & Zaychik, D. (2022). The Effects of COVID-19 on Wellbeing: Evidence from Israel
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Feitelson, Plaut, Salzberger, Shmueli, Altshuler, Amir & Ben-Gal (2022). Learning from Others’ Disasters? A Comparative Study of SARS/MERS and COVID-19 Responses in Five Polities.
Felsenstein & Lichter (2014). Land use change and management of coastal areas: Retrospect and prospect
Felsenstein & Lichter (2014). Social and economic vulnerability of coastal communities to sea-level rise and extreme flooding
Felsenstein & Mas (2018). Introduction to SI - Modeling urban resilience to disasters
Felsenstein et al. (2020). Post-processing HAZUS earthquake damage and loss assessments for individual buildings
Felsenstein et al. (on-going): Agent Based Simulation of the Spatial Contagion of COVID19 in Israeli Cities
Felsenstein, D., & Grinberger, A. Y. (2020). Cascading effects of a disaster on the labor market over the medium to long term
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Felsenstein, Daniel
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Felsenstein, Vernick and Israeli (2018). Household Insurance Expenditure as an Indicator of Urban Resilience
Felsenstein, Vernik & Israeli (2018). Household insurance expenditure as an indicator of urban resilience
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FEMA, 2020 National Preparedness Report
Ferejohn and Pasquino (2004). The Law of the Exception, A Typology of Emergency Powers
Finkelstein, A., & Finkelstein, I. (2018). Emergency preparedness–The perceptions and experiences of people with disabilities
Fischer et al.,(2020), The behavioural challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic: indirect measurements and personalized attitude changing treatments (IMPACT)
Fischhendler (2017). The Use of Intangible Benefits for Promoting Contested Policies: The Case of Geopolitical Benefits and the Israeli Gas Policy
Fischhendler, I. (2017). The Use of Intangible Benefits for Promoting Contested Policies: The Case of Geopolitical Benefits and the Israeli Gas Policy.
Fischhendler, Itay
Fischhoff, Kadvany & Kadvany (2011). Risk: A very short introduction
Fishhendler, Itay
Frazier, Walker, Kumari, & Thompson (2013). Opportunities and constraints to hazard mitigation planning
Frenkel, Amnon
Gal (2014). Social resilience in times of protracted crises: An Israeli case study
Gal (2014). Social resilience in times of protracted crises: An Israeli case study
Gal, Avigdor
Garfin et al (2020). The novel coronavirus (COVID-2019) outbreak: Amplification of public health consequences by media exposure.
Gerchman, Yoram
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