Bibliographic details:
Whitehouse R. (2017, Aug 24). Interview with ‘Virtual Terror’ Author Daniel Wagner. International Policy Digest. Retrieved from
Daniel Wagner is the Founder of Country Risk Solutions and Managing Director of Risk Cooperative. He has three decades of experience managing cross-border risk, including 15 years of underwriting experience with AIG, GE, the Asian Development Bank, and World Bank Group. Daniel has lectured at more than 15 universities around the world, is a regular speaker at conferences, and a frequent commentator on global affairs in visual media.
He has authored four books – Virtual Terror, Global Risk Agility and Decision Making (co-authored), Managing Country Risk, and Political Risk Insurance Guide — and has published more than 500 articles on current affairs and risk management in a plethora of platforms.
Following the release of his latest book, Virtual Terror, I reached out to Wagner to talk about his book and cybersecurity in general. Our interview, conducted over email, has been edited for flow, is below.
Bibliographic details:
Wong-Parodi, G., Fischhoff, B., & Strauss, B. (2018). Effect of risk and protective decision aids on flood preparation in vulnerable communities. Weather, climate, and society, 10(3), 401-417.
Although the risks of flooding demand responses by communities and societies, there are also many cost-effective actions that individuals can take. The authors examine two potential determinants of such adoption: individual predisposition to act and the impact of decision aids that emphasize the risk, the actions, both, or neither (control). Respondents are a representative sample (N = 1201) of individuals in the areas most heavily affected by Superstorm Sandy in 2012. The authors find that, in the overall sample, seeing protective actions coupled with risk information or alone produced higher rates of individuals reporting that they intended to take action preparing for future storms, compared to a control group receiving no additional information. Moreover, that occurred despite the aids reducing their perceptions of risk. The authors find that individuals who reported having taken previous action are more responsive to decision aid messages with the exception of the combined message (risk and protective actions)—which had a positive effect on those who had not acted previously, but a negative effect on those who had. These results suggest that, in communities that already are aware of their flood risks, the critical need is for authoritative, comprehensible information regarding the most feasible and cost-effective protective actions that they can take. Providing such information requires analysis to determine which actions qualify and a design process that incorporates user feedback to ensure that recommendations are easily understood and credible.
Bibliographic details:
World Health Organization. (2015). Hospital safety index: Guide for Evaluators
גל ראובן , נבו ברוך . מפגש סיעור-מוחות (Brain Storming) בנושא העורף בעת מלחמה. חיפה, ישראל מוסד שמואל נאמן, 2017.
בתאריך 7.12.2017 התקיים במוסד נאמן מפגש סיעור-מוחות (Brain Storming) בנושא 'העורף בעת מלחמה'.
היוזמה לקיום האירוע באה מרח"ל -- רשות חירום לאומית – המופקדת על הנושא, במשרד הביטחון. במפגש לקחו חלק כ-18 מומחים מדיסציפלינות שונות.
במהלך תהליך סיעור המוחות, הסתמנו ארבעה "אשכולות" של נושאים, אשר קשורים כולם להקטנת נזקי העורף בעת לחימה:
.1 דילמות וקבלת החלטות
.2 תקשורת, רשתות חברתיות, הסברה ודוברות
.3 הכנת העורף למלחמה בעזרת ידע מודיעיני
.4 הקטנת נזקים ושיקולים כלכליים
התובנות והמסקנות שעלו במהלך היום סוכמו בדו"ח זה. הדו"ח הוגש לראש רח"ל ולגורמים ממשלתיים רלוונטיים נוספים.
וימן, ג. וצוות דסק טרור ותקשורת. "טרור דיגיטלי במערכת הבחירות בישראל? על מעורבות ארגוני טרור ומדינות תומכות טרור במערכת הבחירות". המכון למדיניות נגד טרור (ICT), פברואר, 2019.
לפני כשנתיים, בעקבות ההוכחות הברורות להתערבות רוסית במערכת הבחירות לנשיאות בארה"ב הודיע הממשל האמריקני לעשרות מדינות בעולם כי מערכות הבחירות שלהן היו יעד עבור "פעילי סייבר של ממשלת רוסיה". אין ספק כיום כי באמצעים מקוונים הצליחו הרוסים להתערב במערכות הבחירות של מרבית מדינות המערב ובכללן ארה"ב, גרמניה, בריטניה, צרפת, איטליה, מונטנגרו ועוד.
גם בישראל גבר החשש מהתערבות רוסית במערכת הבחירות הקרובה.
האם רק רוסיה מאיימת על מערכת הבחירות בישראל? מן הראוי לכלול במפת האיומים המקוונים גם תנועות טרור
ומדינות תומכות טרור. כבר בעבר נרשמו ניסיונות של ארגוני טרור ושולחיהם להתערב במערכת הבחירות בישראל.
קמחי שאול, מרציאנו הדס, אשל יוחנן (2018). מדד החוסן לישראל יוני 2018, המרכז לדחק וחוסן, החוג לפסיכולוגיה, המכללה האקדמית תל-חי
בדו"ח שלהלן מוצגים הממצאים העיקריים של "מדד החוסן לישראל", יוני 2018 . המחקר כלל מדגם אינטרנטי מקרב האוכלוסייה היהודית (N=1100) והערבית (N=350) בארץ. המשתנים שנבדקו כוללים חוסן לאומי, חוסן קהילתי, שני מדדים לחוסן אישי, תחושות סכנה, חשש מפריצת מלחמה בשנה הקרובה, תסמיני דחק ומשתנים דמוגרפיים. הממצאים מתיחסים לנושאים הבאים:
(א) התפלגות החוסן הלאומי
(ב) התפלגות החוסן הקהילתי
(ג) התפלגות תחושת הקוהרנטיות (המהווה את אחד משני מדדי החוסן האישי)
(ד) התפלגות סולם "חיי כיום" (המהווה את מדד החוסן האישי השני)
(ה) התפלגות תחושות סכנה
(ו) התפלגות החשש מפרוץ מלחמה בשנה הקרובה (בצפון או בדרום)
(ז) התפלגות תסמיני דחק
Bibliographic details:
Yanay, U., & Benjamin, S. (2005). The role of social workers in disasters: The Jerusalem experience. International Social Work, 48(3), 263-276.
During city emergencies, Jerusalem municipality social workers are assigned to the disaster site, and with them hospitals, police services, the forensic institute and notification units form the Jerusalem Emergency Team (JET). Using formal and informal ties, social workers establish a professional, closely-knit helping network. Disasters happen everywhere. Social workers should be trained to deal with relief work and its traumatic outcomes.
Bibliographic details:
Yanay, U., Benjamin, S., & Yamin, H. G. (2011). Networking emergency teams in Jerusalem. Disasters, 35(1), 183-199.
With the recent upsurge in terrorism, more and more attention is being directed at examining the effectiveness and efficiency of emergency teams. These teams tend to focus on their areas of expertise without necessarily communicating, cooperating or coordinating their operations. Research suggests that improved interpersonal communication and coordination enhances the overall work of each emergency team, and that their combined effort is far in excess of the sum of their individual endeavours. This paper outlines attempts made in Jerusalem to improve the performance of emergency teams and to help the helpers by holding training workshops, setting up a forum of co‐workers and encouraging dialogue among various emergency teams in the city. A planned intervention programme was designed to enable informal networking between team leaders. The programme had an impact on team workers and resulted in a more coordinated and effective service delivery during emergencies.
Bibliographic details:
Berke, P. R., Quiring, S. M., Olivera, F., & Horney, J. A. (2018). Addressing Challenges to Building Resilience Through Interdisciplinary Research and Engagement. Risk Analysis.
Purpose of Review The aim of this review was to focus solely on youths’ behavioral responses to natural disasters and political conflicts in order to fully understand their impact and scope.
Recent Findings Recent studies in the field of trauma have shown that theoretical conceptions have moved away from a narrow focus on the individual and towards wider ecological perspectives and from a narrow focus on negative responses to trauma exposure towards positive prosocial responses. Although there is a distinction between youths’ behavioral responses towards natural disasters vs. towards political conflicts, in both of these adverse situations, behavioral responses exist alongside emotional responses.
Summary Adolescents exposed to either type of adverse scenario are often able to turn their negative experiences into positive ones, take greater responsibility for themselves and others, contribute to recovery processes, and engage in prosocial behaviors.
These responses must be investigated in the context of the trauma field’s recent understandings regarding psychological, biological, environmental, and cultural factors.
Bibliographic details:
Nuttman-Shwartz, (2019), Behavioral Responses in Youth Exposed to Natural Disasters and Political Conflict. Current Psychiatry Reports 21:42
Purpose of Review The aim of this review was to focus solely on youths’ behavioral responses to natural disasters and political conflicts in order to fully understand their impact and scope.
Recent Findings Recent studies in the field of trauma have shown that theoretical conceptions have moved away from a narrow focus on the individual and towards wider ecological perspectives and from a narrow focus on negative responses to trauma exposure towards positive prosocial responses. Although there is a distinction between youths’ behavioral responses towards natural disasters vs. towards political conflicts, in both of these adverse situations, behavioral responses exist alongside emotional responses.
Summary Adolescents exposed to either type of adverse scenario are often able to turn their negative experiences into positive ones, take greater responsibility for themselves and others, contribute to recovery processes, and engage in prosocial behaviors.
These responses must be investigated in the context of the trauma field’s recent understandings regarding psychological, biological, environmental, and cultural factors.