Joshua Schmidt is a cultural anthropologist and graduate of the Department of Behavioral Sciences/Sociology & Anthropology at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (MA and PhD). Schmidt works in social studies at the Ramon branch of the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center, a research institute under the joint auspices of the Israeli Ministry of Science & Technology and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. His multidisciplinary research interests include disaster mitigation in the private-individual and public-business spheres, tourism development and heritage conservation and management, ethno-linguistics and cultural shift. Schmidt is currently conducting ethnographic based research, blending assembled qualitative and quantitative data to survey and analyze various interrelated topics including: bolstering organizational resilience to earthquakes in the Israel hospitality industry, improving the effectiveness of nation-wide earthquake early warning networks, apprising and updating national earthquake education programs and tracking the socio-economic impact the relocation of the IDF bases to the Negev on the Bedouin communities.
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