Yehiel Rosenfeld (Technion) - Engineering, Technology and Planning
Professor Yehiel Rosenfeld (born 1952) heads the Construction Engineering and Management Program at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology where he teaches Graduate and Undergraduate courses, and he is Head and a senior researcher at the Israeli National Building Research Institute ( – where he conducts studies and projects for government and for public and private organizations. He also served as Visiting Professor at M.I.T. – Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he had taught four full academic years (Sabbaticals) in addition to research collaborations. Dr. Rosenfeld has gained a broad perspective of the construction industry worldwide as BOD (Board of Directors) member of two leading international organizations, CIB - The International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (the major International scientific organization of research institutes worldwide in building, construction and related fields), and IAARC - The International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction. He has been engaged in the pioneering introduction and development of most innovative construction methods and technologies – including deployable structures, prefabrication, industrialization, automation, robotics and floating mega-facilities. He founded the Laboratory for Automation and Robotics in Construction – where construction technologies of the next generation are being developed. Many of his research projects, theses of graduate students, and professional publications deal with conceptual and practical aspects of innovative construction technologies. He pioneered the application of Quality Circles to construction sites in Israel and in the USA and achieved major productivity gains. Currently, Professor Rosenfeld is initiating two nationwide projects: improving the quality record of the construction industry, and upgrading the dwelling standard in existing housing stocks through a sophisticated techno-economic sustainable urban-regeneration plan. He acts as consultant and serves on important National and International professional committees, where he brings research into practice through interactions with top-level policy-makers, executives, and practitioners.