הרשימה מעודכנת ל- 2021
Articles in refereed Journals
The publications deal with the following topics: Resilience, stress, terrorism, war, and trauma
Kimhi, S., & Shamai, M. (2004).Community resilience and the impact of stress: Adult response to Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon. Journal of Community Psychology, 32, 439-451.
Kimhi, S. & Shamai, M. (2006). Community resilience as a buffer of stress reaction – northern community response to Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon. Social Issues in Israel. 1, 152-170 [Hebrew].
Shamai, M. & Kimhi, S. (2006). Exposure of threat of war and terror, political attitudes, stress and life satisfaction among teenagers. Journal of Adolescence, 29, 165-176.
Kimhi, S., & Shamai, M. (2006). Are women at higher risk than man? Gender differences among teenagers and adults in their response to the threat of war and terror. Women & Health, 43, 1-19.
Shamai, M. & Kimhi, S. (2007) Teenagers response to threat of war and terror: The impact of gender and social systems. Community Mental Health Journal, 43, 359-374.
Shamai, M., Kimhi, S., & Enosh, G. (2007). Social systems and personal reactions to threats of war. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 24, 747-764.
Kimhi, S., & Sagy, S. (2008). Moral justification and feelings of adjustment to military law-enforcement situations: Israeli soldiers serving at army roadblocks. Mind & Society, 7, 177-191.
Kimhi, S., & Canetti-Nisim, D., & Hirschberger, G. (2009). Terrorism in the eyes of the beholder: Foundations of support for terrorism in the face of intractable conflict. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 15, 75-95.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Zysberg, L., & Hantman, S. (2009). Getting a life: Gender differences in postwar recovery. Sex Roles, 61, 554-565.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y. (2009). Individual and public resilience and coping with long term outcomes of war. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 14, 70-89.
Kimhi, S. & Eshel, Y. (2010). Individual and public resiliency: Coping with long term outcomes of war. Social Issues in Israel, 29-52 [Hebrew].
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Zysberg, L., Hantman, S., & Enosh, G. (2010). Sense of coherence and socio-demographic characteristics predicting posttraumatic stress symptoms and recovery in the aftermath of the Second Lebanon War. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 23, 139-152.
Kimhi, S., & Eshel, Y., Zysberg, L., & Hantman, S. (2010). Postwar winners and losers in the Long run: Determinants of war-related stress symptoms and posttraumatic recovery. Community Mental Health Journal, 46, 10-19.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Zysberg, L., & Hantman, S. (2010). Sense of danger and family support as mediators of adolescents' distress and recovery in the aftermath of war. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 15, 351-369.
Kimhi, S., Mindel, K., & Oged, R. (2011). On the edge of the abyss - Testimonies of an Israeli submarine crew on the challenges and features of life as a submariner. Megamot [Hebrew] (different from the English version).
Kimhi, S., Hantman, S., Goroshit, M., Eshel, Y., & Zysberg, L. (2012). Elderly people coping with the aftermath of war: Resilience vs. vulnerability. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 20, 391-401. DOI: 10.1097/JGP.ob013e31821106b3
Eshel, Y. & Kimhi, S. (2011). Perceived beneficial and detrimental outcomes of war: Are they positively or negatively linked with each other? International Journal of Stress Management, 18, 284-303. DOI: 10.1037/a0024743
Kimhi, S. (2011). Understanding coping: Submarine crew coping with extreme environmental conditions. Psychology, 2, 961-967. DOI:10.4236/psych.2011.29145
Kimhi, S. & Eshel, Y. (2012). Determinants of students of perceptions of conventional and unconventional war threats. Democracy and Security, 8, 228-246.
Kimhi, S. (2014). Moral dilemma in the war against terror: Political attitudes and regular versus reserve military service. Ethics & Behavior, 24(1), 1-15. DOI:10.1080/10508422.2013.818919
Kimhi, S. (2012). A moral dilemma in the war against terror: Political attitudes and regular versus reserve military service. Social Issues in Israel, 15, 87-108 [Hebrew].
Kimhi, S. & Doron, H. (2013). Conscripted without induction order: Wives of former combat veterans with PTSD speak. Psychology, 4, 189 –195.
Kimhi, S. & Doron, H. (2014). Conscripted without induction order: Wives of former combat veterans with PTSD speak. Social Issues in Israel, 17, 94-114 [Hebrew].
Kimhi, S., Goroshit, M., & Eshel, Y., (2013). Demographic variables as antecedents of Israeli community and national resilience. Journal of Community Psychology, 41(5), 631-643. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.21561.
Zysberg, L., Kimhi, S., & Eshel, Y. (2013). Someone to watch over me: Exposure to war events and trust in the armed forces as factors in war-related stress. Medicine Conflict & Survival, 29, 140-154.
Kimhi, S, (2011). The half full / half empty cup: Vulnerability and resiliency one year after a war (invited paper). In K. Weichold, & D. Sharma. Introduction to dealing with stress, adversities, and trauma: Resiliency research across cultures. Bulletin of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development ISSBD, 1(51). http://www.issbd.org/resources/files/JBD_May11_Bulletin.pdf
Eshel, Y. & Kimhi, S., & Goroshit, M. (2014). Posttraumatic recovery to distress symptoms ratio mediates relations of resilience fostering resources and their predictors. Stress & Health. 32(3), 216-223.
Kimhi and Eshel (2015). The missing link in resilience research. Psychological Inquiry. 26(2), 181-186. DOI:10.1080/1047840X.2014.1002378.
Eshel, Y. & Kimhi, S. (2016). A new perspective on national resilience: Components and demographic predictors. Journal of Community Psychology, 44(7), 833-844. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.21811
Eshel, Y., & Kimhi, S. (2016). Community resilience of civilians at war: a new perspective. Community Mental Health Journal, 52(1), 109-117.
Eshel, Y. & Kimhi, S. (2016). Post-War recovery to stress symptoms ratio as a measure of resilience, individual characteristics, sense of danger and age. Journal of Loss & Trauma: International Perspective on Stress & Coping, 21(2), 160-177. DOI: 10.1080/15325024.965970
Kimhi, S. (2016). Levels of Resilience: Associations among Individual, Community and National Resilience. Journal of Health Psychology, 21(2), 164-170.
Eshel, Y., & Kimhi, S. (2016). Determinants of individual resilience following missile attacks: A new perspective. Personality and Individual Difference. 95, 190-195. DOI:/10.1016/j.paid.2016.02.052
Eshel, Y., Kimhi, S., Lahad, S., & Lykin, D. (2016). Individual, community, and national resiliencies and age: Are Older people less resilient than younger individuals? American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24(8), 644-647. Doi: 10.1016/j.jagp.2016.03.002
Canetti, Kimhi, Hannoun, Rocha, Galea & Morgan (2016). How Personality affects Vulnerability among Israelis and Palestinians Following the 2009 Gaza Conflict. PLOS ONE. 11(7), e0156278
Kimhi, S. & Eshel, Y. (2016). Demographic characteristics and sense of danger predicting new measure of individual resilience following a war. Journal of Community Medicine & Health Education. 6(5), 472. doi:10.4172/2161-0711.1000472
Eshel, Kimhi, Lhad & Leykin (2017). Individual attributes as predictors of protective and risk components of resilience under continuing terror attacks: A longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences.114, 160-166. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2017.03.033
Kimhi, S., Dror, G., & Sapir, S. (2017). Resilience among students from the majority and minority group: The Israeli case. Journal of Psychology & Behavioral Science. 5(1), 37-46.
Kimhi, S. & Eshel, Y. Leykin, D. & Lahad, M. (2017). Individual, community and national resilience in the peacetime and in face of terror: A longitudinal study. Journal of Loss and Trauma. 22(8), 698-713. doi.org/10.1080/15325024.2017.1391943
Kimhi, S., Parmak, M., Boon, H., Sapountzaki, K., Groh, A., & Ryan, S. (2018). Community and National Resilience and Quality of Life: A Preliminary Cross-Cultural Study. American International Journal of Social Science, 7(1), 1-11.
Eshel, Y. & Kimhi, S., Lahad, M., Leykin, D., & Goroshit, M., (2018). Risk factors as major determinants of resilience: A replication study. Community Mental Health Journal, 54(8), 1228-1238. http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10597-018-0263-7
Kimhi, S. & Eshel, Y. (2019). Measuring national resilience: A new short version of the scale (NR-13). Journal of Community Resilience. 47(3), 517-528. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22135
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Lahad, S., & Lykin, D. (2019). National resilience: A new self-report assessment scale. Community Mental Health Journal. 55(4), 721-731.
Eshel, Y., Kimhi, S. & Marciano, H., (2019). Proximal and distal determinants of community resilience under threats of terror. Journal of Community Psychology. 47(8), 1952-1960. DOI: 10.1002/jcop.22245
Marciano, H., Eshel, Y. & Kimhi, S. (2020). Predictors of Individual, Community and National Resiliencies of Israeli Jews and Arabs. International Journal of Psychology, 55(4), 553-561. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12636
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., & Bonanno, G. (2020). Resilience and risk factors as prospective predictors of depression and anxiety symptoms following intensive terror attacks in Israel. Personality and Individual Differences, 159, 109864.
Eshel, Y., Kimhi, S., & Marciano, H. (2020). Predictors of national and community resilience of Israeli border inhabitants threatened by war and terror. Community Mental Health Journal, 56(8), 1480-1488.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Marciano, H., & Adini, B. (2020). Distress and resilience in the days of COVID-19: Comparing two ethnicities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(11), 3956.
Kimhi, S., Marciano, H., Eshel, Y., & Adini, B. (2020). Community and national resilience and their predictors in face of terror. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50, 101746.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Marciano, H., & Adini, B., (2020). Resilience and demographic characteristics predicting distress during COVID-19 crisis. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113389.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Marciano, H., & Adini, B., (2020). Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic: Distress and resilience. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 50 101843. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101843
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Marciano, H., & Adini, B. (2020). A Renewed Outbreak of the COVID− 19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Study of Distress, Resilience, and Subjective Well-Being. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7743.
Eshel, Y., Kimhi, S., Marciano, H., & Adini, B. Age and gender of adults as determinants of coping with COVID-19 pandemic. (2020) Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 20(4), 25-36.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Marciano, H., & Adini, B., Fluctuations in National resilience along the COVID-19 – A longitudinal study. (2021, online first). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, 3876.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Adini, B., …… Marciano, H. (2021, online first). Distress and resilience in days of COVID-19: International study of samples from Israel, Brazil, and the Philippines. Cross-Cultural Research, https://doi.org/10.1177/10693971211026806.
Chapters in Collections
Kimhi S & Even E. (2006). The Palestinian human bombers. In: J. Victoroff, (Ed.). Tangled roots: Social and psychological factors in the genesis of terrorism (308-323). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
Kimhi, S. & Canetti-Nisim, D. (2008). Inter-ethnic groups and perception of terrorism. In M. Finklestein, & K. Dent-Brown (Eds.). Psychosocial stress in immigrants and in members of minority groups as a factor in terrorist behavior (pp. 136-151). Amsterdam: IOS Press. The NATO Science for Peace and Security.
Kimhi, S., Eshel, Y., Zysberg, L, & Hantman, S. (2010). Posttraumatic growth and stress symptoms among teenagers from Kiryat Shemona one year after the Second Lebanon War. In F. Azaiza, N. Nachmias, & M. Cohen (Eds.). Health, education and welfare services in times of crisis: Lessons learned from the Second Lebanon War (145-163). Haifa: Pardes Publication [Hebrew].
Kimhi, S. (2012).Understanding coping: Submarine crew coping with extreme environmental conditions. In A. L. Cobb (Ed.). Military operations, health and technology (pp. 25-42). NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Kimhi, S & Eshel, Y. (2011). Determinants of students perceptions of war-threats. In L. Zysberg, (ed.) Student attitudes (pp. 277-294). NY: Nova Science Publisher.
Kimhi, S. (2015). Levels of resilience: A critical review. In D. Ajdukovic, S. Kimhi, & M. Lahad. (Eds.). Resiliency: Enhancing coping with crisis and terrorism (pp. 49-59). Amsterdam, the Netherlands: IOS Press, The NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme.
פרסומים בעברית
קמחי, ש. ושמאי, מ, (2006). חוסן קהילתי כבולם תגובות לחץ: תגובות תושבי הצפון ליציאת צה"ל מלבנון. סוגיות חברתיות בישראל (1) 152-170
דו"חות מחקר
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., (2018). מדד החוסן לישראל – יוני 2018
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י.ת (2019). מחקר החוסן במועצה האזורית גליל עליון
קמחי, ש., עדיני, ב., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., (2019). מדד החוסן בעקבות סבב "חגורה שחורה"
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., עדיני, ב., (2020). חוסן בימי קורונה
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., עדיני, ב., (2020). חוסן ודחק בימי קורונה במועצה האזורית גליל עליון
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., עדיני, ב., (2020). חוסן ודחק בימי קורונה ביישוב ביהודה ושומרון
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., עדיני, ב., (2020). ישראל בעקבות ההתפרצות המחודשת של מגפת הקורונה: ירידה בחוסן
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., עדיני, ב., (2020). חוסן ודחק במגפת הקורונה: מדידת אורך שלישית
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., עדיני, ב., (2021). חוסן, מיטביות ודחק במגפת הקורונה לאורך ארבע מדידות אורך
קמחי, ש., מרציאנו, ה., אשל, י., עדיני, ב., (2021). חוסן, דחק ומיטביות בסיום סבב לחימה "שומר החומות"
קמחי, ש., אשל, י., מרציאנו, ה. uעדיני, ב., (אוקטובר 2023). חוסן האוכלוסייה במדינת ישראל בשבוע הראשון של מלחמת "חרבות ברזל "
קמחי, ש., אשל, י., מרציאנו, ה. ועדיני, ב., (נובמבר 2023). חוסן האוכלוסייה ומדדי התמודדות - מדידת אורך שנייה, לאחר שבעה שבועות של המלחמה בעזה