Bibliographic details:
Savoia, E., Lin, L., Bernard, D., Klein, N., James, L. P., & Guicciardi, S. (2017). Public health system research in public health emergency preparedness in the United States (2009–2015): actionable knowledge base. American journal of public health, 107(S2), e1-e6.
In this systematic literature review, we analyzed knowledge production in public health emergency preparedness system research in the timeframe 2009–2015. We included 56 studies in the synthesis of evidence and assessed them for their quality and aggregated findings. Results show that this field can still be considered relatively new compared with other research areas in public health. However, this review demonstrates that, during the past 7 years, public health emergency preparedness system research has evolved from generic inquiry to the analysis of specific interventions, with more empirical studies. Research gaps remain, in particular in the area of information sharing, communication to the public, and the development of criteria and metrics.